Secret Storage
Install Vault¶
Create a folder in a directory of your choice, and browse to it using a Command Prompt or terminal window (as Administrator, if on Windows).
Clone the following Vault-helm repository and install it.
git clone
cd vault-helm
git checkout v0.2.1
helm install vault .
- Periodically, check the status of the vault pod until it is in the Running state. Copy and save the Vault Pod's name. Usually, the Vault pod is named 'vault-0'. The Vault Pod's name is shown in the first column of the
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods
vault-0 0/1 Running 0 114s
- Initialize the vault using the following command:
kubectl exec -it [vault-pod-name] -- vault operator init -n 1 -t 1
- On completion, the output will display the Unseal Key and Initial Root Token. Copy and save both values for future use. These values will be used to unseal and enable the Vault as well as create the necessary secrets.
Unseal Key 1: MG+pLyiasq11B/o7hEbctkrTIpGaVDqja3SWJzSLgs0=
Initial Root Token: s.Wvxni2SudRB0R91fLOaGFS6h
Vault initialized with 1 key shares and a key threshold of 1. Please securely
distribute the key shares printed above. When the Vault is re-sealed,
restarted, or stopped, you must supply at least 1 of these keys to unseal it
before it can start servicing requests.
Unseal Vault¶
- Unseal the Vault using your Unseal Key 1 in your Command Prompt or terminal window.
kubectl exec -it [vault-pod-name] -- vault operator unseal [unseal-key-1-from-init-command]
Example Output:
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 1
Threshold 1
Version 1.2.4
Cluster Name vault-cluster-9a51d062
Cluster ID 3a25afe3-ad48-e8bf-1afa-c924f046c746
HA Enabled false
Enable Vault at a Path¶
For this example, we are going to use a key/value secrets engine. Enable it using the following commands:
- Log in to Vault using your initial root token from initializing Vault in Step 3.i.5
kubectl exec -it [vault-pod-name] -- vault login [your-initial-root-token]
- Then, enable the 'kv' secrets engine.
kubectl exec -it [vault-pod-name] -- vault secrets enable -version=2 kv