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Add/Modify guids.json

If use_allowlist is set to true in the config.json file, add a guids.json file in the private directory to allowlist those Intel® AMT GUIDs that are allowed to connect to MPS.

Use guids.json.example as a reference to create the guids.json and populate it with guids to allowlist. This file is used to simulate allowlisting based on Intel® AMT GUIDs.

For information on how to obtain GUIDs, see GUIDs in Intel® AMT.

  1. Navigate to the ~/MPS/private directory.
cd ~/MPS/private
  1. Create the guids.json file.
copy guids.json.example guids.json
  1. Open the guids.json file. Edit this file to include the GUIDs of your AMT devices. You can find specific GUIDs using MeshCmd on the AMT device.

Example guids.json file:
