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Quickstart - To run sol in development enviroment and bundle SerialOverLan control.

This document shows how to run serialoverlan in devlopment enviroment and bundle serialoverlan control and display it on sample html page.

  • how to run sol control in development enviroment
  • how to create a bundle for sol control.
  • how to add to sample html file.


In order to deploy and make changes, the following tools and application has to be installed on your development machine - Git - Visual Studio Code or any other IDE - Node.js - MPS stands for Management Presence Server. Build adnd Deploy MPS locally. - Intel AMT device is configured and connected to MPS. See the MPS for documentation. - Chrome Browser

Download and Install UI Toolkit

At a command prompt, run the following commands:

git clone
cd UI_Toolkit
npm install

Run sol in development enviroment

At a command prompt navigate to the root of UI_Toolkit, run the below command.

npm start

open chrome browser, navigate to following url

http://localhost:8080/sol.htm?deviceId=<device GUID>&server=<mps IPaddress>:<mps port>

Create Bundle for SOL

At a command prompt navigate to the root of UI_Toolkit, run the below command.

Note: Remove or rename the existing sol.core.min.js in dist/

npm run build
A new sol.core.min.js will be created in dist/ directory.

To bundle the Serial Over LAN control without node_modules, run the below command in a command prompt on the root of ui-toolkit,

npm run build-ext

Note: The bundle generated using build-ext command can be used in react apps as an independent control

Add to sample html page

To display the SOL control on a sample web page, update following changes to the existing src/sample/sampleSOL.htm page.

  <div id="sol"></div>
  <script src="../../dist/sol.core.min.js" crossorigin></script>

Test the sample page

At a command prompt navigate to the root of UI_Toolkit, run the below command.

npx serve
Open Chrome browser, navigate to the following url
http://<localhost>:5000/src/sample/sampleKVM.htm?deviceId=<device GUID>&server=<mps IPaddress>:<mps port>
You will see the errors in the following scenario's: - compilation errors if ui-toolkit has not downloaded and installed to your react app. - MPS server not running - MPS server running and device not connected.