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Express Manual Setup

The Open Active Management Technology (AMT) Cloud Toolkit repository includes:

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Network, Hardware, and Software Prerequisites

Before installing the toolkit, prepare the environment:

  1. Configure a network that includes:

    • A development system running Windows® 10 or Ubuntu* 18.04 or newer
    • One or more Intel vPro® device(s) to manage


    A flash drive or equivalent means of transfer is necessary to copy the RPC to the managed device.


    Both development systems and managed devices must use a wired (i.e., cable) connection on the same network.

  2. Install the prerequisite software on the development system:

    Prerequisite Software Purpose
    git Downloads the OpenAMT Cloud Toolkit repository
    Node.js* LTS 12.x.x or newer Installs and runs the software

Download and Configure Software

To download the Open AMT Cloud Toolkit repository on the development system:

  1. Open a Terminal (Linux) or Powershell command prompt (Windows) and navigate to a directory of your choice for development.

  2. Clone the repository.

    git clone --recursive --branch v1.2.0

  3. Change to the cloned open-amt-cloud-toolkit directory.

    cd open-amt-cloud-toolkit

  4. Run the following script to build and install the services.

    make build


    If it is your first time running a local script in Powershell, it may prevent it from executing. To fix this, run the following command first.

    set-executionpolicy remotesigned
  5. Provide the IP Address of your development system and press Enter.


    Make sure to enter the IP Address of the development system, not that of any managed devices. The script will update the ./mps/.mpsrc file and the ./sample-web-ui/src/environments/environment.ts file with the IP address you enter. It will also run npm install for each service to install the necessary dependencies. For more information on all available configuration options for MPS click here and for RPS click here.

All dependencies for MPS, RPS, and the Web UI have now been installed and configured. To learn more about each component and their role click here.

Start the MPS, RPS, and Sample Web UI

Start the MPS, RPS, and Sample Web UI in three separate command line terminals.

To start the MPS:

  1. Navigate to the mps directory. Start the MPS server. It may take approximately 2-3 minutes to start.

    cd mps && npm run devx

    Change directory.

    cd mps
    Start the MPS server.
    npm run dev


    The development system's IP Address will be used to connect to the web server. By default, the web server (api) runs on port 3000 and the MPS Server listens on port 4433.


    Figure 1: MPS reports successful deployment.

To start the RPS:

  1. Open a new Terminal or Command Prompt and navigate to the open-amt-cloud-toolkit/rps directory. Start the RPS server.

    cd rps && npm run devx

    Change directory.

    cd rps
    Start the RPS server.
    npm run dev


    By default, the RPS web port is 8080 and the RPS Server listens on port 8081.

    RPS Output

    Figure 2: RPS reports successful deployment.

To start the Sample Web UI:

  1. Open a new Terminal or Command Prompt. Navigate to the open-amt-cloud-toolkit/sample-web-ui directory.

     cd sample-web-ui
  2. Start the Sample Web UI server.

    npm start


    By default, the Sample Web UI will use port 4200.

    Sample UI Output

    Figure 3: Sample UI reports successful deployment.

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