AMT Power States

Actions are specified by number. Use the PowerCapabilities method to return the actions available for a specific device. Use the PowerState method to obtain the current power state.

Possible actions are listed in the following table:

Action # Resulting Action
2 Power up/on
4 Sleep
5 Power cycle
7 Hibernate
8 Power down/off
10 Reset
12 Soft power down/off
14 Soft reset
100 Power up to BIOS settings
101 Reset to BIOS settings
104 Reset to secure erase
200 Reset to IDE-R floppy disc
201 Power on to IDE-R floppy disc
202 Reset to IDE-R CD-ROM
203 Power on to IDE-R CD-ROM
400 Reset to PXE
401 Power on to PXE

Consider the current state of the system when implementing a possible action. For example:

  • Reset to BIOS implies that the current system state is on or powered up.
  • Power up to BIOS implies that current system state is off or powered down.
  • Hibernate implies that the current system state is powered up.

If the system is already powered up, choosing to Power Up to BIOS will not have any effect on the system. A better choice is Reset to BIOS.