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Command Examples

RPC is primarily used for communicating with the Remote Provision Server (RPS) for activating and/or deactivating AMT devices. Optional arguments allow for things such as easier development testing or for use in network environments utilizing proxies.

All currently available arguments and their definitions are listed below along with example commands.

RPC Usage

On Windows:

rpc <required> [optional]
rpc <informational>

On Linux:

sudo ./rpc <required> [optional]
sudo ./rpc <informational>

On Docker:

sudo docker run --device=/dev/mei0 rpc:latest <required> [optional]
sudo docker run --device=/dev/mei0 rpc:latest <informational>

RPC Arguments


Argument       Name          Description
-c, --cmd <command> Server Command Activate or Deactivate command for AMT device. See example commands below.
-u, --url <url> Websocket Server Address and Port of the RPS server, wss://localhost:8080. By default, RPS runs on port 8080.

Activate a Device:

rpc --url wss://localhost/activate --cmd "-t activate --profile profile1"

Deactivate a Device:

rpc -u wss://localhost/activate -c "-t deactivate --password P@ssw0rd"


The --password nested argument uses the AMT password set at the time of provisioning of the device based on the RPS Profile. This password should be able to be retrieved from Vault, if unknown.

Deactivate a Device if Unknown by RPS (or Vault):

rpc -u wss://localhost/activate -c "-t deactivate --password -f"


Argument     Name       Description
-d, --dns <dns> DNS Suffix Override
-n, --nocertcheck Certificate Verification Disable certificate verification. Allows for the use of self-signed certificates during development testing. Not valid for production. Otherwise, a TLS Certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority provider is required.
-p, --proxy <addr> Proxy Address and Port Allow for connection through a network proxy,
-v, --verbose Verbose Output Display WSMan communication with RPS when executing RPC

Override DNS detection and Activate device:

rpc --url wss://localhost/activate --cmd "-t activate --profile profile1" --dns

Connect through proxy and Deactivate device:

rpc -u wss://localhost/activate -c "-t deactivate --password P@ssw0rd" -p


Argument Name Description
--help Help text Display help menu in-line
--version Version Current version of RPC
--amtinfo <item> AMT info View available information

Possible <item> Parameters:
all - View all items
ver - BIOS version
bld - Build number
sku - Product SKU
uuid - Device's Unique Identifier
mode - Current Control Mode, ACM or CCM
dns - Domain Name Suffix from AMT and from OS
fqdn - Fully aualified domain name and device hostname from OS
cert - Certificate hashes
ras - Remote access status
lan - LAN settings, i.e. DHCP Enabled, Link Status, and IP/MAC Addresses

View All Information Items:

rpc --amtinfo all

Find Current Device's GUID:

rpc --amtinfo uuid