
The table below details possible errors that may occur when activating or de-activating managed devices along with some potential solutions.


If your device has more than one ethernet port, ensure your ethernet cable is plugged into the port that is connected to vPro. You can double check this by ensuring the link status reports "up" when running ./rpc --amtinfo all. If you have network access, but show a link status of "down". It is likely the cable is plugged into the wrong port.

Error Message Possible Solutions
"Decrypting provisioning certificate failed" Double check the password is correct on the certificate loaded into the "domains" on the UI
"Exception reading from device" If MPS and RPS are running in Docker, check to ensure Vault has been unsealed.
"Unable to connect to Local Management Service (LMS). Please ensure LMS is running" Check to ensure no application has bound to port 16992
"Unable to launch MicroLMS." Check that Intel ME is present, MEI Driver installed and run this executable as administrator Check to ensure no application has bound to port 16992
"Device xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx activation failed. Error while adding the certificates to AMT." Unplug the device, from both network and power, let it sit for a while. If that doesn't work, file a github issue
Device xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx activation failed. Missing DNS suffix. Run ./rpc --amtinfo all and ensure there is a DNS suffix. If it is blank, double check your router settings for DHCP. Alternatively, you can override the DNS suffix with --dns
Error: amt password DOES NOT match stored version for Device 6c4243ba-334d-11ea-94b5-caba2a773d00 Ensure you have provided the --password flag for the --cmd/-c you are trying to execute, and that it is the password you used when provisioning the device.
Unable to connect to websocket server. Please check url. After ensuring you can reach your server. Ensure that the certificate common name on the server matches the FQDN/IP of your host address.
Error while activating the AMT in admin mode. Check the logs on the RPS server.
The rpc.exe fails to connect. If a device has already been provisioned, unprovision it and then reprovision. To deactivate and reactivate devices, see the Mircoservices section for RPC, Command Examples