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Manageability Engine BIOS Extensions (MEBX)

IntelĀ® MEBX allows for configuration of the Intel Manageability Engine (ME) platform. Use this interface to provision and unprovision AMT. It also provides a variety of settings to configure manually.

Use the unprovision functionality to remove a device from MPS control.

Unprovision an AMT Device Through MEBX

To unprovision in the BIOS:

  1. Restart or power on the device.

  2. While the device is booting up, press Ctrl+P to reach the MEBX login screen


    The keystroke combination Ctrl+P typically invokes the BIOS to display the MEBX login screen. If this does not work, check the manufacturer's instructions or try function keys (e.g., F2, F12).

  3. Enter the AMT password.


    If it is the first time entering MEBX and the device has not been provisioned previously, the default password is admin. Create a new password when prompted.

  4. Select Intel AMT configuration.

  5. Select Unconfigure Network access.

  6. Select Full unprovision, and then press y to continue

  7. It takes 30 seconds to a minute to unprovision the device. While it is unprovisioning, the up/down arrow keys will not work.