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MPS Configuration Options

Environment Variable Default Description
MPS_IMAGE mps-microservice:v1 Only used when using docker-compose.yml. Specifies image to use for MPS
MPS_USE_VAULT true Whether or not the vault should be used
MPS_VAULT_ADDRESS http://vault:8200 Address of where the vault is hosted
MPS_VAULT_TOKEN myroot Token used to access the vault
MPS_SECRETS_PATH secret/data/ Path to where secrets are stored in the vault
MPS_GENERATE_CERTS true Enables/Disables generation of self signed certificates based on MPS_COMMON_NAME
MPS_COMMON_NAME localhost Development system's IP address.
Note: For this guide, you cannot use localhost because the managed device would be unable to reach the MPS and RPS servers.
MPS_WEB_ADMIN_USER n/a Specifies the username for API authentication
MPS_WEB_ADMIN_PASSWORD n/a Specifies the password for API authentication
MPS_WEB_AUTH_ENABLED n/a Specifies whether or not to enable MPS authentication
MPS_HTTPS true Specifies whether or not to enable https
MPS_LOG_LEVEL info Controls the level of logging provided in the service. Options are (in order of increasing detail): error, warn, info, verbose, debug, and silly.
MPS_JWT_SECRET n/a Secret used for generating a JWT Token. IMPORTANT: This must match the secret in your Kong.yaml file for the jwt plugin configuration.
MPS_JWT_ISSUER 9EmRJTbIiIb4bIeSsmgcWIjrR6HyETqc The issuer that will be populated in the token. This is a not considered a secret. IMPORTANT: This must match the key: property in the Kong.yaml file for the jwt plugin configuration.
MPS_JWT_EXPIRATION 1440 The default expiration in minutes for the JWT Token. Default is 24 hours.
MPS_MQTT_ADDRESS No Value Address of where the mqtt broker is hosted. Mqtt container is named mosquitto and is open to port 8883. Thus unless setting are changed the value should be either empty (off) or mqtt://mosquitto:8883 (on)
MPS_CONNECTION_STRING postgresql://postgresadmin@localhost:5432/mpsdb?sslmode=no-verify The database connection string