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On the managed device, a Remote Provisioning Client (RPC) communicates with the Remote Provision Server (RPS) in the process of activating or deactivating the device. In addition to activation and deactivation, the RPC provides informational and maintenance commands.

List Commands

On the managed device, open a Terminal (Linux) or Powershell/Command Prompt as Administrator (Windows).

Run the RPC application on the command line with no arguments to see supported commands:

sudo ./rpc
activate Activate this device with a specified profile ./rpc activate -u wss://server/activate -profile profilename
deactivate Deactivate this device. You will be prompted for the AMT password. ./rpc deactivate -u wss://server/activate
maintenance Execute a maintenance task for the device. You will be prompted for the AMT password. ./rpc maintenance syncclock -u wss://server/activate
amtinfo Display AMT status and configuration ./rpc amtinfo
version Display the current version of RPC and the RPC Protocol version ./rpc version

List Command Options

Run the application with a command to see available options for the command:

sudo ./rpc [COMMAND]
.\rpc [COMMAND]


Activate and Configure the device using RPS:

Activate the device with a specified profile:

sudo ./rpc activate -u wss://server/activate -profile profilename
.\rpc activate -u wss://server/activate -profile profilename

Activate the device locally:

Currently, this capability is only supported for activating unprovisioned (e.g. pre-provisioning state) devices. This command only activates AMT. It does not do profile-based configuration.

sudo ./rpc activate -local -password NewAMTPassword
.\rpc activate -local -password NewAMTPassword

activate Options

-d string DNS suffix override
-h string Hostname override
-json JSON output
-l string Log level (panic,fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace) (default "info")
-lmsaddress string LMS address (default "localhost"). Can be used to change location of LMS for debugging.
-lmsport string LMS port (default "16992")
-local Execute command to AMT directly without cloud interaction.
-n Skip WebSocket server certificate verification
-name Friendly name to associate with this device
-p string Proxy address and port
-password AMT password
-profile string Name of the profile to use
-t duration Time to wait until AMT is ready (e.g. 2m or 30s), the default is 2m0s
-tenant string TenantID of profile. If not provided, then assumed empty string (i.e. no Multitenancy enabled)
-token string JWT Token for Authorization
-u string WebSocket address of server to activate against
-v Verbose output

For more information, see Build & Run RPC.

To learn how to use the RPC application to transition an already activated (provisioned) Intel vPro® Platform, see Transition Activated Device.


Deactivate the device using RPS:

sudo ./rpc deactivate -u wss://server/activate
.\rpc deactivate -u wss://server/activate

Deactivate the device locally:

sudo ./rpc deactivate -local
.\rpc deactivate -local

deactivate Options

-f Force deactivate even if device is not registered with the RPS server
-json JSON output
-l string Log level (panic,fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace) (default "info")
-lmsaddress string LMS address (default "localhost"). Can be used to change location of LMS for debugging.
-lmsport string LMS port (default "16992")
-local Execute command to AMT directly without cloud interaction.
-n Skip WebSocket server certificate verification
-p string Proxy address and port
-password string AMT password
-t duration Time to wait until AMT is ready (e.g. 2m or 30s), the default is 2m0s
-token string JWT Token for Authorization
-u string WebSocket address of server to activate against
-v Verbose output

For more information, see Build & Run RPC.


Execute a maintenance command for the managed device:

addwifisettings Configure wireless 802.1x locally with RPC (no communication with RPS and EA)
changepassword Change the AMT password.
A random password is generated by default if -static is not provided.
syncclock Sync the host OS clock to AMT.
synchostname Sync the OS hostname to AMT Network Settings.
syncip Sync the static IP of host OS to AMT Network Settings.

Common maintenance Options

-f Force maintenance commands even if device is not registered with a server
-json JSON output
-l string Log level (panic,fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace) (default "info")
-lmsaddress string LMS address (default "localhost"). Can be used to change location of LMS for debugging.
-lmsport string LMS port (default "16992")
-n Skip WebSocket server certificate verification
-p string Proxy address and port
-password string AMT password
-t duration Time to wait until AMT is ready (e.g. 2m or 30s), the default is 2m0s
-tenant string TenantID of profile. If not provided, then assumed empty string (i.e. no Multitenancy enabled)
-token string JWT Token for Authorization
-u string WebSocket address of server to activate against
-v Verbose output


Configure wireless 802.1x settings of an existing, activated AMT device by passing credentials and certificates directly to AMT rather than through RPS/EA/RPC. More information on configuring AMT to use 802.1x can be found in 802.1x Configuration.

On failure, the addwifisettings maintenance command will rollback any certificates added before the error occurred.

via Config file
  1. Create a new file called config.yaml. Copy and paste the template below.

      name: 'profileName' # profile name (i.e. friendly name)
      authenticationMethod: 7 # wifi authentication method
      encryptionMethod: 4 # wifi encryption method
      clientCert: ''
      caCert: ''
      privateKey: ''
      ssid: '' # wifi SSID
      username: "" # 8021x username
      authenticationProtocol: 0 #8021x profile protocol (e.g. EAP-TLS(0))
      priority: 1 
  2. Fill in fields with desired options.

  3. Provide the config.yaml file using the -config flag.

    sudo ./rpc maintenance addwifisettings -config config.yaml
    .\rpc maintenance addwifisettings -config config.yaml
via CLI

Alternatively, provide all options directly in the command line.

Warning - Use Case and Security

The CLI option is intended for use as part of an integration of RPC as a shared library. The passing of secrets directly via command line is highly insecure and NOT recommended.

sudo ./rpc maintenance addwifisettings -name profileName -authenticationMethod 7 -encryptionMethod 4 -ssid "networkSSID" -username "username" -authenticationProtocol 0 -priority 1 -clientCert {CLIENT_CERT} -caCert {CA_CERT} -privateKey {CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY}
.\rpc maintenance addwifisettings -name profileName -authenticationMethod 7 -encryptionMethod 4 -ssid "networkSSID" -username "username" -authenticationProtocol 0 -priority 1 -clientCert {CLIENT_CERT} -caCert {CA_CERT} -privateKey {CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY}

-authenticationMethod Wifi authentication method. Valid Values = {5, 7} where 5 = WPA_IEEE8021X, 7 = WPA2_IEEE8021X
-authenticationProtocol 802.1x profile protocol. Valid Values = {0} where 0 = EAP-TLS
-caCert Trusted Microsoft root CA or 3rd-party root CA in Active Directory domain
-clientCert Client certificate chained to the caCert. Issued by enterprise CA or mapped to computer account in Active Directory.
AMT provides this certificate to authenticate itself with the Radius Server
-config File path of a .yaml file with desired wireless 802.1x configuration, see via Config File
-encryptionMethod Wifi encryption method. Valid Values = {3, 4} where 3 = TKIP, 4 = CCMP
-name Profile name (Friendly name), must be alphanumeric
-priority Ranked priority over other profiles
-privateKey Private key of the clientCert
-ssid Wifi SSID
-username 802.1x username, must match the Common Name of the clientCert


Change the AMT password. A random password is generated by default if static option is not passed.

sudo ./rpc maintenance changepassword -u wss://server/activate
.\rpc maintenance changepassword -u wss://server/activate
-static New password to be used


Syncs the host OS clock to AMT.

sudo ./rpc maintenance syncclock -u wss://server/activate
.\rpc maintenance syncclock -u wss://server/activate


Sync the OS hostname to AMT Network Settings.

sudo ./rpc maintenance synchostname -u wss://server/activate
.\rpc maintenance synchostname -u wss://server/activate


Sync the static IP of host OS to AMT Network Settings.

sudo ./rpc maintenance syncip -staticip -netmask -gateway -primarydns -secondarydns -u wss://server/activate
.\rpc maintenance syncip -staticip -netmask -gateway -primarydns -secondarydns -u wss://server/activate
-staticip IP address to be assigned to AMT
If not specified, the IP address of the active OS newtork interface is used
-netmask Network mask to be assigned to AMT
If not specified, the network mask of the active OS newtork interface is used
-gateway Gateway address to be assigned to AMT
-primarydns Primary DNS address to be assigned to AMT
-secondarydns Secondary DNS address to be assigned to AMT


Display AMT status and configuration:

sudo ./rpc amtinfo [OPTIONS]
.\rpc amtinfo [OPTIONS]

Not passing [OPTIONS] will print all information.

-json JSON Output
Version -ver Intel AMT version.
Build Number -bld Intel AMT Build Number.
Certificate -cert Certificate Hashes
SKU -sku Product SKU
UUID -uuid Unique Universal Identifier of the device. Used when creating device-specific MPS API calls as part of the REST API's URL path.
Control Mode -mode Control Mode below indicates the managed device's state: a) pre-provisioning or deactivated (b) activated in client control mode (c) activated in admin control mode
DNS Suffix -dns DNS Suffix set according to PKI DNS Suffix in Intel MEBX or through DHCP Option 15. Requried for ACM activation.
DNS Suffix (OS) -dns
Hostname (OS) -hostname Device's hostname as set in the Operating System.
RAS Network -ras
RAS Remote Status -ras Unconnected or connected. State of connection to a management server.
RAS Trigger -ras User initiated or periodic. When activated, periodic signifies CIRA established. By default, CIRA sends a heartbeat to the server every 30 seconds to verify and maintain connection.
RAS MPS Hostname -ras IP Address or FQDN of the MPS server.

---Wired/Wireless Adapters---

DHCP Enabled -lan True/False. Whether or not the network is using DHCP or Static IPs.
DHCP Mode -lan
Link Status -lan Up/Down. Shows whether or not this adapter is being used by Intel AMT.
IP Address -lan If using CIRA or the device is unactivated, this field will show
MAC Address -lan Device's MAC Address

For more information, see Wireless Activation.


Display the current version of RPC and the RPC Protocol version:

sudo ./rpc version
.\rpc version