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RPC Library

On the managed device, a Remote Provisioning Client (RPC) communicates with the Remote Provision Server (RPS) in the process of activating or deactivating the device. In addition to activation and deactivation, the RPC provides informational and maintenance commands.

Find all RPC commands here.


A GCC toolchain is required to compile RPC as a library.

Run the following command to install:

sudo apt install build-essential

Download and Install tdm-gcc.

Build Library

go build -buildmode=c-shared -o ./cmd 
go build -buildmode=c-shared -o rpc.dll ./cmd

Library Functions

The library contains two functions:

Function Description Usage
checkAccess Determines if RPC is being run as admin, the ME driver is installed, and AMT is available. Use this function to check for basic AMT availability conditions.
rpcExec Executes RPC commands. Use this function as you would the RPC executable, passing in arguments to activate, deactivate, perform maintenance, etc.

Sample Client in C#

Find a simple sample client in the RPC-go's dotnet folder.

Include in C#

This sample code demonstrates how to import the DLL's functions:

    //Linux-style example (.so extenstion)
    static extern int rpcCheckAccess();

Call a Function

This sample provides an example of calling the rpcExec function to activate a device:

    static extern int rpcExec([In] byte[] rpccmd, ref IntPtr output);

    int returnCode;

    Console.WriteLine("... CALLING rpcCheckAccess ...");
    returnCode = rpcCheckAccess();
    Console.WriteLine("... rpcCheckAccess completed: return code[" + returnCode + "] ");

    var res = "";
    foreach (var arg in args)
        res += $"{arg} ";

    // Example commands to be passed in
    // string res = "activate -u wss:// -n -profile Test_Profile";
    // string res = "amtinfo";

    IntPtr output = IntPtr.Zero;
    Console.WriteLine("... CALLING rpcExec with argument string: " + res);
    returnCode = rpcExec(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(res), ref output);
    Console.WriteLine("... rpcExec completed: return code[" + returnCode + "] " + Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(output));

RPC Error Code Charts

General Errors

(1-19) Basic Errors Outside of Open AMT Cloud Toolkit

Error Code Message
1 Incorrect permissions (not admin or sudo)
2 HECI driver not detected
3 AMT not detected
4 AMT not ready

(20-69) Input errors to RPC

Error Code Message
20 Missing or incorrect URL
21 Missing or incorrect profile
22 Server certificate verification failed
23 Missing or incorrect password
24 Missing DNS Suffix
25 Missing hostname
26 Missing proxy address and port
27 Missing static IP information
28 Incorrect Command Line Parameters
29 Missing or incorrect Network Mask
30 Missing or incorrect Gateway
31 Missing or incorrect Primary DNS
32 Missing or incorrect Secondary DNS
33 Invalid Parameter Combination
34 Failed Reading Configuration
35 Missing Or Invalid Configuration
36 Invalid User Input
37 Invalid UUID

(70-99) Connection Errors

Error Code Message
70 RPS authentication failed
71 AMT connection failed
72 OS network interfaces lookup failed

AMT-Specific Errors

(100-149) Activation and Configuration Errors

Error Code Message
100 AMT authentication failed
101 WSMAN message error
102 Activation failed
103 Network configuration failed
104 CIRA configuration failed
105 TLS configuration failed
106 WiFi configuration failed
107 AMT features configuration failed
108 802.1x configuration failed
109 Unable to Deactivate
110 Deactivation Failed
111 Unable to Activate
112 Wifi Configuration succeeded with warnings
113 Unmarshal Message Failed
114 Delete Wifi Config Failed
116 Missing or incorrect Wifi Profile Name
117 Missing IEEE 802.1x Configuration

(150-199) Maintenance Errors

Error Code Message
150 Clock synchronization failed
151 Hostname synchronization failed
152 IP synchronization failed
153 Change Password failed

(1000-3000) AMT PT Status Code Block

Error Code Message
1000 AMT Pt Status Code Base