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Console Configuration

Console can be configured using either a YAML configuration file (config.yml) or environment variables (.env). Both methods allow you to customize the behavior of the Console application.

Using config.yml

When you first run the Console, a config.yml file is generated and stored in the config/ directory, located in the same directory as the Console executable. You can stop the Console, edit the config.yml file, and then restart the Console to apply the changes.

Alternatively, you can also download the config.yml file from GitHub or create your own configuration file, edit the YAML content, and then use the config flag to run the Console console.exe -config /path/to/config.yml.

Using .env Variables

Console can also be configured using environment variables. These .env variables take precedence over the corresponding settings in the config.yml file, effectively overwriting them.

Configuration Variables

.env Variable Name config.yml Variable Name Default Description
APP_NAME console Name of the application.
APP_REPO app.repo open-amt-cloud-toolkit/console Repository path of the application.
APP_ENCRYPTION_KEY app.encryption_key No Value A 32-character long encryption key is automatically generated by Console if not provided by the user. This key is used to encrypt and protect sensitive data stored in SQLite DB.
APP_JWT_KEY app.jwtKey your_secret_jwt_key Secret key for JWT token generation.
APP_AUTH_DISABLED app.authDisabled false When set to true, this will disable authentication for the Console. During the Beta release, the Console UI will not be accessible if this is set to true.
APP_ADMIN_USERNAME app.adminUsername standalone Admin username for accessing Console.
APP_ADMIN_PASSWORD app.adminPassword G@ppm0ym Admin password for accessing Console.
APP_JWT_EXPIRATION app.jwtExpiration 24h0m0s This setting determines the default expiration time for JWT tokens used for Console login sessions. It controls how long a user's login session will remain valid.
APP_REDIRECTION_JWT_EXPIRATION app.redirectionJWTExpiration 5m0s This setting determines the expiration time for redirection JWT tokens, which are used for features like KVM, SOL, and IDER. It controls how long these redirection sessions will remain valid.
HTTP_HOST localhost By default, Console listens only on localhost, restricting network access. For now, it's recommended to keep Console accessible only from localhost until HTTPS is available to ensure secure access.
HTTP_PORT http.port 8181 This is the port on which the Console HTTP server will listen. Users will access the Console UI through this port in their browser.
HTTP_ALLOWED_ORIGINS http.allowed_origins * Allowed origins for CORS policy.
HTTP_ALLOWED_HEADERS http.allowed_headers * Allowed headers for CORS policy.
LOG_LEVEL logger.log_level info Controls the level of logging. Options: error, warn, info, debug, fatal.
DB_POOL_MAX postgres.pool_max 2 Maximum number of database connections in the pool.
DB_URL Not available No Value By default, Console uses a SQLite database to store device data locally. Users can optionally configure this variable to provide a PostgreSQL connection string, enabling the use of an external PostgreSQL database for data storage. This allows for greater scalability and centralized database management.
EA_URL ea.url http://localhost:8000 URL for the Enterprise Assistant service.
EA_USERNAME ea.username No Value Username for the Enterprise Assistant service.
EA_PASSWORD ea.password No Value Password for the Enterprise Assistant service.