Transition Activated Device

If an Intel vPro® Platform has been previously activated, either in the BIOS or with another management solution or tool, it can be brought under Open AMT Cloud Toolkit control with the RPC-Go application.

Additionally, use the following instructions to transition from a previously established toolkit stack to a fresh installation on a new development system.

Note - Passwords used in Open AMT Cloud Toolkit

Use the following instructions to transition devices to either ACM or CCM profiles. You will need the AMT password.

Open AMT Cloud Toolkit increases security with multiple passwords. Find an explanation of toolkit passwords in Reference -> Architecture Overview.

To transition the activated device:

  1. Check the activation status with amtinfo command:

    sudo ./rpc amtinfo
    .\rpc amtinfo
    sudo docker run --rm -it --device=/dev/mei0 rpc-go:latest amtinfo

    The control mode indicates the managed device's state:

    • pre-provisioning or deactivated
    • activated in client control mode (CCM)
    • activated in admin control mode (ACM)
  2. Run the rpc-go application with the activate command and the -password flag:

    sudo ./rpc activate -u wss://[Development-IP-Address]/activate -n -profile [profileName] -password [AMTPassword]
    .\rpc activate -u wss://[Development-IP-Address]/activate -n -profile [profileName] -password [AMTPassword]
    sudo docker run --rm -it --device=/dev/mei0 rpc-go:latest activate -u wss://[Development-IP-Address]/activate -n -profile [profileName] -password [AMTPassword]


    To verify the managed devices list after transitioning, log into the Sample Web UI on the development system. Go to the Devices tab. Alternatively, learn how to list the managed devices via a REST API Call.