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Create a Profile with CCM

Client Control Mode (CCM) provides full access to features of IntelĀ® Active Management Technology (IntelĀ® AMT), but it does require user consent for some features, reflecting the lower level of trust.

These features require user consent:

  • Keyboard, Video, Mouse (KVM) Control
  • IDE-Redirection for sharing and mounting images remotely
  • Serial-over-LAN (SOL)


Figure 1: Set up configuration and profiles for N number of clients.

Create a Profile

Profiles provide configuration information to the AMT Firmware during the activation process with the Remote Provisioning Client (RPC).

To create a CCM profile:

  1. Select the Profiles tab from the menu on the left.

  2. Under the Profiles tab, click New in the top-right corner to create a profile.

  3. Specify a Profile Name of your choice.

  4. Under Activation, select Client Control Mode from the dropdown menu.

  5. Leave Generate Random AMT Password unchecked.

    Production Environment

    In a production environment, you typically generate a random password for each AMT device to create a stronger, more secure AMT environment.

  6. Provide a strong AMT Password.


    This password must meet standard, strong password requirements:

    • 8 to 32 characters

    • One uppercase, one lowercase, one numerical digit, one special character

  7. Leave Generate Random MEBX Password unchecked.

  8. Provide a strong MEBX Password.

  9. Select DHCP as Network Configuration.

  10. Select the name of the CIRA Configuration you created previously from the drop-down menu.

  11. Click Create.


    Example CCM Profile:


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