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Localize the strings

  • Create a directory under public/locales with the directory name as per the language
  • Add the translation.json to public/locales/en/translation.json file under the new language directory.
  • Customize the required field in the translation.json file.
  • Example: To support for Kannada language, - Add the directory kn to public/locales. - Copy the translation.json file from public/locales/en to public/locales/kn - Update the public/locales/kn/translation.json file as per kanada langauage
  • Modify the /i18n.ts file to import the newly added public/locales/Language/translation.json file and update the 'const resources' to include the new file.
  • Example : To support for Kannada language modified /i18n.ts as below.
        import translationKN from './public/locales/kn/translation.json';
        const resources = {
          en: {
            translations: translationEN
          kn: {
            translations: translationKN

Note: Rebuild and generate a new bundle before testing the changes.

Language can be changed in the browser under langauage section of the browser settings. English is the default if no customized translation file provided for the langauage.

Get the localised strings for the web consoles with localization enabled.

If users web console is already enabled with localization please make sure to add the translations of UI-controls into your web consoles translations file.