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Upgrade Toolkit Version

Upgrade a Minor Version (i.e. 2.X to 2.Y)

Upgrading from a previous minor version to a new minor version release is simple using Helm. By updating your image tags and upgrading through Helm, a seamless transition can be made. Stored profiles and secrets will be unaffected and any connected devices will transition over to the new MPS pod.

Note - Using Private Images

The steps are the same if using your own images built and stored on a platform like Azure Container Registry (ACR) or Elastic Container Registry (ECR). Simply point to the new private images rather than the public Intel Dockerhub.

  1. In the values.yaml file, update the images to the new version wanted. In this scenario, we've only updated the MPS, RPS, and WebUI to the newer versions.

    Example - values.yaml File

      mps: "intel/oact-mps:v2.2.0"
      rps: "intel/oact-rps:v2.2.0"
      webui: "intel/oact-webui:v2.2.0"
      mpsrouter: "intel/oact-mpsrouter:v2.0.0"

    Warning - Upgrading when Using latest Image Tags

    It is recommended to use versioned tags for deployment for easier tracking and troubleshooting.

    If your instance is using latest image tags, for example intel/oact-mps:latest rather than intel/oact-mps:v2.2.0, some extra configuration is required. Helm will not check for new latest images by default since it doesn't detect a change in.

    1. To force Helm to always attempt to pull new images, set the imagePullPolicy for each image in their respective template files.

      Files to update:


      Example - Setting imagePullPolicy in mps.yaml
        replicas: {{ .Values.mps.replicaCount }}
            app: mps
              app: mps
              - name: registrycredentials
              - name: mps
                imagePullPolicy: Always
                image: {{ .Values.images.mps }}
  2. In Terminal or Command Prompt, go to the deployed open-amt-cloud-toolkit repository directory.

    cd ./YOUR-DIRECTORY-PATH/open-amt-cloud-toolkit
  3. Use Helm to upgrade and deploy the new images.

    helm upgrade openamtstack ./kubernetes/charts

    Successful Helm Upgrade

    Release "openamtstack" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    NAME: openamtstack
    LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Mar 23 09:36:10 2022
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
  4. Verify the new pods are running. Notice the only restarted and recreated pods are MPS, RPS, and the WebUI.

    kubectl get pods

    Example - Upgraded Running Pods

    NAME                                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    mps-55f558666b-5m9bq                                 1/1     Running   0          2m47s
    mpsrouter-6975577696-wn8wm                           1/1     Running   0          27d
    openamtstack-kong-5999cc6b97-wbmdw                   2/2     Running   0          27d
    openamtstack-vault-0                                 1/1     Running   0          27d
    openamtstack-vault-agent-injector-6d6c75f7d5-sh5nm   1/1     Running   0          27d
    rps-597d7894b5-mbdz5                                 1/1     Running   0          2m47s
    webui-6d9b96c989-29r9z                               1/1     Running   0          2m47s

Rollback a Version

Is the functionality not working as expected? Rollback to the previous deployment using Helm.

  1. Use the Helm rollback command with the Revision you want to rollback to. In this example deployment, we would rollback to the original deployment revision which would be 1.

    helm rollback openamtstack [Revision-Number]

    Successful Rollback

    Rollback was a success! Happy Helming!
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